The Society for Cultural Policy Research annually awards a student who has dealt with topics related to cultural policy research in a meritorious way in their master’s thesis. The prize can be given to any thesis which is related to the field of cultural policy and has been accepted in any of the Finnish higher education institutes of Finland during year 2024. The concept of cultural policy is widely understood: the thesis can deal with cultural policy, for example, in the framework of social sciences, political sciences, art and cultural research, business economics, legal sciences or artistic researh. The thesis can be written in Finnish, Swedish or English.
The Society for Cultural Policy Research invites everyone who have supervised cultural policy related master’s theses (in universities or universities of applied sciences) to propose nominees for the prize. Also, any student who has written their thesis in 2024 can propose their own thesis.
You can nominate a thesis by sending the thesis and its evaluation statement as PDF to on 30th April 2025 at the latest. If the thesis is available online, it is enough to send only the evaluation statement and a link to the thesis.
A jury will decide, which thesis will receive the prize. The receiver of the prize will be given a honorary diploma and 300 euro grant. The receiver of the prize has also a possibility to write an article to The Cultural Policy Research Yearbook, based on the thesis or its themes. The article will be reviewed according to the normal procedure.
We wish to receive many proposals!